Alabama Peanut Producers Association Holds Annual Meeting – Alabama Peanut Producers Association

Peanut farmers from across Alabama gathered in Dothan for the 2021 Annual Alabama Peanut Producers Association (APPA) meeting on Thursday, February 4.


During the meeting the delegates elected open director positions for the APPA board. Baldwin County had two director seats open. Mark Kaiser and Joel Sirmon were both re-elected to those positions. Carl Sanders was re-elected to hold Coffee County’s one seat. Also re-elected was Ed White and Thomas Adams to hold the two seats for Henry County.


Delegates received a Washington Update from Bob Redding, The Redding Firm and a Market Update from Dr. Marshall Lamb, Research Leader at the National Peanut Lab in Dawson, Georgia.


In addition, the APPA board members voted to re-elect their current officers. Carl Sanders of Coffee County has been President of the APPA board for 21 years and will continue to serve in his position. Mark Kaiser of Baldwin County will serve his 5th year as Vice President. Treasurer, Jerry Byrd of Dale County, will serve his 21st year.


The association is voluntarily funded by peanut growers and its programs are directed by a board of 15 growers. Directors are elected by grower delegates from each of the major peanut producing counties. The number of delegates from each county is determined by the number of planted peanut acres in that particular county. The APPA Annual Meeting was sponsored by the National Peanut Board.