2022 Peanut Production Meetings Scheduled – Alabama Peanut Producers Association

It’s the time of year when peanut farmers are making plans for the new growing season. There are several decisions to be made between now and planting time. The researchers who work for the Alabama Cooperative Extension System and Auburn University College of Agriculture are ready to share their research-based recommendations to help Alabama peanut farmers have a successful 2022 peanut year. The Alabama Peanut Producers Association (APPA) is sponsoring eight grower production meetings around the state during the week of Feb. 21.


The topics will include disease control, herbicide control, insect control and peanut markets outlook. In addition, growers will hear the results of peanut variety and production trials performed around the state. Make plans to attend the one closest to you. A meal will be served at each meeting.


Monday, Feb. 21
11 am – Cullman County Extension office, Cullman
6 pm – Lazenby Farms, Society Hill

Tuesday, Feb. 22
11 am – Ketchem’s Restaurant, Hartford
6 pm – Wiregrass Research & Extension Center, Headland

Wednesday, Feb. 23
11 am – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers- Alabama River Lakes Bldg., Tyler

Thursday, Feb. 24
11 am – The Lighthouse Restaurant, Irvington
6 pm – Baldwin County Farmers Federation, Robertsdale

Friday, Feb. 25
11 am – Grace Fellowship Church, Atmore


In addition to the in-person meetings, APPA is producing the 2022 Peanut Production Guide with the help of the research team. Each grower in the state will receive a copy in their mailbox in the coming weeks. The researchers’ presentations will be available online as well.


2022 Production Meetings and Production Guide Sponsors:

Alabama Ag Credit
Alabama Farm Credit
First South Farm Credit
Sanbuck Insurance
United Bank
Vantage South
Visjon Biologics


For more information, contact the APPA office at 334-792-6482.